Transitioning to a circular economy approach is at the heart of Unilever’s Strategy for a waste free world. Carelessness in waste disposal is killing wildlife, devastating beauty of the mountains, and threatening the health of our planet. In an event organized at the Army Headquarters in Kathmandu, Brigadier General Himanshu Khadka, Director of the Directorate of National Parks and Wildlife Reserve congratulated the Unilever Nepal team. “I thank Unilever Nepal for supporting the Mountain Clean Up initiative. Through this initiative of cleaning the Himalayan ranges you have touched the heart of every Nepali”, said Brigadier General Khadka.
Also speaking at the event, Managing Director of Unilever Nepal Ltd., Mr. Amlan Mukherjee, sent a message stating that “the natural world is being lost and damaged at an alarming rate, and to put the same on reverse, Unilever Nepal couldn’t have found a better cause than to clean the revered Mount Dhaulagiri and a more credible partner than the Nepal Army.”
This mountain clean up initiative disposed 5020 kg of waste, of which 4720 Kg non-biodegradable waste was sent for recycling and remaining 300 KG of bio-degradable waste was disposed through Dhaulagiri Rural Municipality.
Unilever is committed to improve the health of the planet. It aims to work hard to tackle plastic packaging waste, particularly through partnerships and collaborations that drive change beyond their own operations. The ultimate aim is to create a circular economy system for waste management. “We are committed to make sustainable living common place for everyone and will continuously engage in programs like these in the coming days,” said Mr. Amlan Mukherjee.